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Domaza enters the Chinese property market

Domaza enters the Chinese property marketIt is well known that the Russian investors, along with the Chinese, are among the most active in the foreign land acquisition. For this reason, we have recently launched the Chinese local site of our platform and the information we offer to our clients is now available in Chinese, too.

Domaza has become the first and only international property portal translated into Chinese, which gives to our clients the possibility to attract the fastest-growing market at the moment. All Chinese citizens now have the opportunity to receive objective and up-to-date information about the trends in the property market worldwide.

Currently, the Chinese investors are among the most active international buyers. They consider property investment as safe asset and with low performing stock markets and almost minimal returns from property investment within their own country, the demand for foreign land in China is rapidly accelerating. At present, Australia, New Zealand, England, America, Canada and South Africa are among the places with most Chinese acquisition.  

Besides, many Chinese have begun to invest in properties along the Mediterranean coast. Latest research covering the most sought-after destinations by the Chinese investors ranks Turkey, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy and France as the most desirable areas for investment by the Chinese customers, who are attracted both by the low prices, as well as by the favorable climate and the beautiful scenery.

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